
Established within Steller Parent Group’s mission is to solicit, address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policy facing the Steller Community,

From time to time, SPG creates Ad Hoc Advocacy Committees which are made up of interested Steller Parent Group Members (“Members” include all current Steller parents, students, and staff).

Below is a list of recent open and closed Committees…

OPEN: 2024-25 school year – Ad Hoc Student Technology Committee. This committee has formed, in part, as a result of reports of cyber-bullying at Steller. The goals are to:

  1. Educate ourselves and the wider Steller community about social media
    1. How is social media currently being used by Steller students? 
    2. Understand how it can be harmful
  2. Advocate for students who may be harmed as a result of social media
  3. Discuss a cell phone policy
    1. Reasons a policy is needed – look at current research
    2. Understand that a school cell phone policy does not remedy issues with social media
  4. Encourage participation and input from all Members (families, students, and staff)
    1. Positive influence
  5. Provide resources for families
    1. Experts 
    2. Suggestions for monitoring apps

If you are interested in participating and/or learning more about this committee’s work, please email


CLOSED: 2023-24 school year – Program Changes. The goals of this committee were to 1) share up to date information and details regarding school district changes (6th grade moving to middle school and the academy model), 2) provide an opportunity for families to ask questions and offer opinions, 3) hold an All Community Meeting during which Members vote to approve Steller’s recommendation (based on a survey sent to all families).  The questions were as follows:

* With the ASD move of all grade 6 students to middle schools, should Steller:

  • become a 6 to 12 school?
  • become a 9 to 12 school?

* With ASD high schools adopting the Academies of Anchorage model as part of the Career, College and Life ready Strategy should Steller:

  • become an Academy School (with the details of what that looks like to be ironed out second semester)?
  • adopt aspects of the Academy Model?
  • not become an Academy School?

Based on the information provided by the Committee, the survey results, and the All Community Meeting vote, Maria Hernandez, the Steller Principal, advocated to admit 6th graders and to adopt aspects of the Academy Model. This is being successfully implemented.


CLOSED: 2022-23 school year – Steller Values Advocacy Committee. This committee addressed the public testimony at ASD Board Meetings targeting Steller teachers and staff based on book selection and curriculum.  The committee worked to develop a broad statement of support for Steller’s values, teachers, and principal in order to pursue a diversity of perspectives at the ASD Board Meetings.  As a result, the committee presented a letter to the ASD Board that was signed by over 70 Steller parents, students, and staff. We also encouraged our community to attend ASD Board Meetings and to provide their own perspectives. The advocacy work will continue to support Steller’s values.  Community members are essential to ensuring that it is not only the loudest viewpoint that is heard.