Established within Steller Parent Group’s mission is to solicit, address, and make recommendations regarding issues and policy facing the Steller Community,
In respect to that and in light of issues brought to our attention, SPG has created an Ad Hoc Advocacy Committee made up of Steller students and parents.
During the 2022-23 school year, this Advocacy Committee addressed the public testimony at ASD Board Meetings targeting Steller teachers and staff based on book selection and curriculum. The committee worked to develop a broad statement of support for our school values, teachers, and principal in order to pursue a diversity of perspectives at the ASD Board Meetings. As a result, the committee presented a letter to the ASD Board that was signed by over 70 Steller parents, students, and staff. We also encouraged our community to attend ASD Board Meetings and to provide their own perspectives.
Please reach out if you’d like to work toward supporting Steller’s values and/or if issues arise that are counter to these values. The advocacy work will continue, and community members are essential to ensuring that it is not only the loudest viewpoint that is heard.
To join the Advocacy Committee or for more information, contact