- Steller is a place where you can be yourself–dress, music, hobbies–you’ll be respected for who you are.
- Teachers at Steller will earn your respect, not demand it.
- Your voice matters at Steller; students out-number adults on the Advisory Board and help set school policy!
- Have an interest in robotics? Design your own class! At Steller, your passion can turn into your science credit.
- Want to share what you know and love? Teach a class to your peers! Steller students can co-teach a course, or go solo.
- Steller doesn’t have any formal sports teams, but Stellerites compete in all sports activities on all levels at any middle or high school of their choosing.
- At Steller many courses include AP materials and AP level work, but if you want to enroll in an AP titled course, you can still be based at Steller and attend an AP class elsewhere.
- Steller hosts two “Intensives” sessions, one in each semester. Intensives offer you an in-depth learning experience since you are in class all day, every day for up to 10 days in one area of study. Intensives include everything from foreign and domestic travel, sports, carpentry, drama, creative writing, sculpture, and batik, to Fun with Math and the Chemistry of Cosmetics, to name a few!
- At Steller you’ll always have an opportunity to grow, both as a young adult and as a scholar; come visit! You’re going to like this place 🙂