AG Announcements – 11/18/13

Today’s Op group is hosting an All School Meeting during advisory. Students meet in AG rooms, take attendance, and then head down to the multipurpose room. They will go through op group notes and advisory announcements there.

Tuesday, November 19th is the LAST day you will be allowed to sign up guests for the November Dance. The sign up book will be removed from the counter at 3pm. You will not be allowed to sign up guests after that time. Rules for signing up guests have not been followed, so here is a gentle reminder on guest rules for the dance:
1) All guests MUST have a photo-ID. If your guests do not have a photo ID they will be not be allowed to attend the dance. This is non-negotiable.
2) All guests must be accompanied by the Steller Student.

Please be mindful of the rules. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. 

Reminder: School will be closing at 3pm Wednesday, November 27th (the day before Thanksgiving.) Please make sure our ride is there on time as NO students will be allowed to remain in the building after 3pm on that day

Eighth graders are having a charity for the Children’s Lunch Box. 8th Graders: please bring in any items from the following list: canned soup, chili, and ravioli, canned vegetable or fruit, granola bars, instant oatmeal packets, fruit snacks, and canned tuna or chicken are needed. Foods like Mac and Cheese or Ramen noodles are also fine. We are looking forward to see lots of donations. Please bring donations to Jen’s room by November 26. If you have any questions, please ask Yu-Jin Choi or Sarah Allen.

Do you have it all figured out for out high school?  AkCIS is going to be here tomorrow night to do a presentation about college and scholarship searches. Look for the fliers posted around school for more information.

Door decorating contest. Don’t forget to get those doorways decorated for the holidays! There will be hot chocolate and baked goods for the winning AG. Judging will take place during the last day of finals. Questions?  Talk to Sarah, Jessica, Shanny, or anyone in Jen’s AG.

There will be a senior meeting on Tuesday at 12 noon in Ken’s room to finalize the planning for this weekend’s dance and Saturday’s craft fair. See you then.

The Winter Camping intensive will meet this Wednesday at 12 noon in Ken’s room. This is mandatory. Make sure you are there.

Any students interested in participating in the Poetry Out Loud contest on Monday, November 25th need to see Ashley by this Wednesday at lunch.

Battle of the Books meeting on Friday at noon @ library!!