Steller Student Advances in International Art Competition



MollyRGreat news about Molly’s Peace Poster!  Molly’s poster is one of 24 finalists in the Lion’s Club 25th annual Peace Poster Contest.  With a field of over 400,000 entries world-wide, this is a great achievement!  Her poster will be advanced to the final competition to determine the International Grand Prize winner. Here is a piece taken from the “press release”.

Peace Poster Contest Judging

Molly R’s poster advanced through regional competitions, and will be judged in the international competition to be held in January in Chicago, IL.  The grand prize winner will be announced at the “Lions Day at the United Nations” event on February 1st in New York City.

One international grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of $5,000, and 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of $500.

Stay tuned to see what happens next!!