Funding cuts

Parents and Students,
The Steller staff is being reduced.
Due to educational funding cutbacks, ASD has reorganized the amount of teachers in a building based on teacher-to-student ratios.
Our state legislators are working in Juneau and are considering CUTTING even more of the educational budget.
We hear different positions in the news. From my understanding, the current cuts are most definitely going to affect what we can offer our students (including Intensives).  These cuts will affect your child’s education.

What does this mean to Steller?

With the original funding cuts, and an increase in our projected enrollment, we currently are losing 1.4 teachers. This equates to two teachers!
In addition to the loss of the individuals who are a part of our close-knit community, we are currently trying to schedule next year with eight less classes per semester and 2-4 less Intensives per semester offered.
There are many different outlets to voice your reactions to the above news. Please have you opinions heard. We need your support.
Thank you,